Friday, August 14, 2009

Advancing Youth Development - Starting in September

A Curriculum for Youth Workers and Supervisors

This training offers participants an approach to youth work that may indeed be revolutionary. The curriculum challenges participants to discard any beliefs about youth as recipients of services or as the objects of their work. Participants are encouraged to adopt a philosophy of youth and youth work that develops young people’s sense of dignity and encourages them to draw on their own strengths and resources to create positive change. In this training youth workers and supervisors will challenge their personal philosophies and develop new language around their work.

This is an energized and fun training experience that encourages staff development and challenges adults’ beliefs about young people.

Specific objectives of this 3-day curriculum include:

Participants will understand and recognize various aspects of youth development and successful youth outcomes;
Participants will acknowledge and challenge cultural assumptions and stereotypes they have regarding youth and working with youth;
Participants will develop strategies for REAL youth participation and engagement;
Participants will identify opportunities and supports that youth need and that encourage their active participation and engagement in their own lives and development; and
Participants will review the core competencies necessary for successful youth work and identify their own strengths and needs in relation to these competencies.
AYD was developed by the Academy for Educational Development and the National Network for Youth, Inc. for direct service youth workers.

If you or your staff are interested in attending an Advancing Youth Development training or if you are interested in hosting one of these trainings for your agency staff, please contact Louisa Avery. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity for free professional development that is made possible by the Ready by 21 Quality Counts Initiative. For more information, visit