Monday, September 21, 2009

Family Day, September 28th —A Day to Eat Dinner with your Children

Family Day as a national initiative to remind parents that Dinner Makes a Difference! There are many benefits to the parental engagement fostered during dinnertime. Research by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University consistently finds that kids who have frequent family dinners are likelier to get better grades in school and are more likely to abstain from smoking, drinking or using drugs.

Activities like family dinners promote Asset #3 – Positive Family Communication.

This year, Family Day’s title Sponsor Stouffer’s has launched the “Let’s Fix Dinner” Challenge with the goal of helping to fix one million family dinners by Family Day. For more information visit,

To learn more, visit

(Thanks to Sandra Harris at the YMCA of the USA for sharing this info!)