Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lions Quest Service-Learning Training, 10/12-13

The National Dropout Prevention Center identifies service-learning as an effective dropout prevention strategy. When students and teachers are engaged in the educational process together, students improve grades, improve their attendance and increase positive lifestyle changes. These workshops provide a comprehensive experiential approach focusing on ethical, social and intellectual skill development of students.

Through service-learning, students develop positive values like trustworthiness and responsibility, commitment to a task and to those who are involved in it, collaboration and team-building, punctuality and respect for the quality of work done while serving the community.

Training spaces remain for the Franklin K-5 training. The registration fee is $35 per person. This includes breakfast, lunch and your curriculum materials valued at more than $500.

Visit for a Lions Quest registration form or contact Meredith Freeman, Deputy Director of Service-Learning, at 615-741-9242 or

Skills for Growing (grades K-5)
October 12-13 Franklin, TN