I just found a really cool booklet about engaging young teenagers. Teen Voice 2009 is a research-based report about empowering 15 years olds to make a difference. The free and easy-to-read PDF file is a must-read for teachers, youth workers, pastors, and parents of teens.
Here are some of the topics:
- Why the age of 15 is such a critical year in adolescent development.
- The power of 'sparks' - the interests and passions that captivate individuals.
- Ideas for helping young people find their voice.
- The power of relationships and opportunities.
- Factors that get in the way of adolescent growth.
- Fifteen ways to support 15-year olds.
Thanks to the Best Buy Children’s Foundation and Search Institute for making this great information available online!
For more information about engaging and equipping 15-year olds, visit http://www.at15.com/.