Thursday, March 11, 2010

3 Free Youth Development Workshops in Nashville

Introduction to Positive Youth Development
March 27th, 9am-12noon, Downtown YMCA
Instructors: Susan Ragsdale and Louisa Avery
This 4 hour training is built around the 5 principles developed by the Nashville Positive Youth Development Coalition. Together we explore strategies and understandings that keep us on the cutting edge in professional youth work. This training is sponsored by NAZA.

Structure & Clear Limits and Reframing Conflict
March 25th, 10am-12noon , Downtown YMCA
Instructor: Louisa Avery
This training covers strategies to create safety in your program as well as introducing an approach to support youth in solving their conflicts. This training is a Youth Methods Workshop and sponsored by NAZA.

Introduction to the 40 Developmental Assets
March 30th, 10am-12noon , Downtown YMCA
Instructor: Susan Ragsdale
This training gives an overview of the 40 Developmental Assets and strategies for incorporating them into your programs. Sponsored by the YMCA Center for Asset Development through the Healthy Communities - Healthy Youth Initiative.

To register for any of these workshops call or email Shai Rasmussen at 615-259-9622 x 70138 or