A Leader's Guide to The Adding Assets Series for Kids Book with CD-ROM Activities and Strategies for Positive Youth Development by Ann Redpath, Pamela Espeland, and Elizabeth Verdick
This comprehensive, easy-to-use asset-building curriculum for grades 3-6 includes 42 sessions: one for each of the 40 assets, plus introductory and concluding sessions. Each session includes activities, discussion prompts, and a handout to bring home to parents and other family adults. For schools, districts, and states that have implemented standards-based education, a detailed chart shows how each session correlates with specific standards in the areas of character education, health, social studies, social and emotional learning, and language arts. The included CD-ROM features all of the reproducible forms from the book and an additional 40 pages of student handouts used in the sessions.
These are the books in the series:
Helping Out and Staying SafeDoing and Being Your Best
Smart Ways to Spend Your Time
Loving to Learn
Knowing and Doing What’s Right
Making Choices and Making Friends
Proud to Be You
A Leader’s Guide to the Adding Assets Series for Kids