Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tips from Tara

Different Cultures-Common Ground: 85 Proven Strategies to Connect in Your Classroom

Having recently finished my book: 'Different Cultures-Common Ground: 85 Proven Strategies to Connect in Your Classroom', I thought every month I would share one of the strategies and encourage you to consider it and incorporate where applicable. Of course if you don't want to wait 85 months to get them all, (7 years and 1 month to be exact), you can order one from the website and have it in your classroom or office within a week or less. To read more about the book or to order, visit the Learner's Edge Consulting Web Site.

Ok, here goes with the strategy of the month: #63 - Spark a Thought and Ignite!

Bring energy and enthusiasm to the classroom EVERYDAY. If you're not enthused and excited to be there, why should your students be? They will feed off of the energy that you bring.You are the professional; leave your problems at home and give them 100% day in and day out. YOU set the tone, you are the leader..bring it every period...every day.

Tara Brown is the High School Asset Specialist for the YMCA Center for Asset Development. She is also Founder and Director of Learner's Edge Consulting, and author of "Different Cultures-Common Ground"